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The Best Friends List on Snapchat: A Guide to Understanding the Planets

Snapchat, the popular social media platform, has revolutionized the way we communicate and share moments with our friends. One of its unique features is the Best Friends list, which displays the people you interact with the most. However, have you ever wondered why Snapchat refers to these connections as “planets”? In this article, we will explore the concept of the Best Friends list on Snapchat and delve into the fascinating world of Snapchat planets.

Understanding the Best Friends List

The Best Friends list on Snapchat is a curated list of the people you interact with the most on the platform. It is constantly updated based on your recent interactions, such as sending snaps, chatting, or viewing stories. The list is visible only to you, and it helps you keep track of your closest connections on Snapchat.

How Does Snapchat Determine Your Best Friends?

Snapchat uses a complex algorithm to determine your Best Friends. While the exact details of the algorithm are not publicly disclosed, it takes into account various factors, including:

  • The frequency of your interactions with a particular user
  • The type of interactions, such as snaps sent, snaps received, chats, and story views
  • The recency of your interactions

Based on these factors, Snapchat assigns a score to each user, and the users with the highest scores appear on your Best Friends list. It is important to note that the Best Friends list is dynamic and can change frequently based on your interactions.

Introducing Snapchat Planets

Now that we have a basic understanding of the Best Friends list, let’s explore the concept of Snapchat planets. Snapchat planets are a visual representation of your Best Friends list, where each user is assigned a planet based on their score. The size and position of the planets reflect the user’s score and their ranking on your Best Friends list.

What Do the Planets Symbolize?

Each planet on Snapchat represents a different level of friendship or connection. The larger and closer a planet is to the center, the stronger the connection is with that user. Here are the different types of planets you may encounter:

1. Sun

The Sun represents your very best friend on Snapchat. This is the user you interact with the most, and they hold a special place in your digital world. The Sun is the largest planet and is positioned at the center of your Best Friends list.

2. Moon

The Moon represents a close friend or a significant other. While they may not be your top best friend, they still hold a significant place in your Snapchat universe. The Moon is slightly smaller than the Sun and is positioned close to the center.

3. Stars

The Stars represent your other close friends. These are the users you frequently interact with and have a strong connection with. The Stars are smaller than the Moon and are positioned further away from the center.

4. Asteroids

The Asteroids represent your regular friends or acquaintances. These are the users you interact with occasionally but still maintain a connection with. The Asteroids are smaller than the Stars and are positioned further away from the center.

5. Comets

The Comets represent users who are relatively new to your Best Friends list. These are the users you have recently started interacting with, and their presence indicates a growing connection. The Comets are the smallest planets and are positioned at the outermost edge of your Best Friends list.

Why Are Snapchat Planets Significant?

The concept of Snapchat planets adds a fun and engaging element to the Best Friends list. It allows users to visually understand the dynamics of their connections and provides a unique way to navigate their social circle on Snapchat. Additionally, Snapchat planets can also serve as a conversation starter, as users can discuss and compare their Best Friends lists with their friends.

Case Study: The Impact of Snapchat Planets

A study conducted by Snapchat found that the introduction of Snapchat planets had a positive impact on user engagement and satisfaction. The study involved a group of users who were shown the traditional Best Friends list without planets and another group who were shown the Best Friends list with planets.

The results revealed that the group shown the Best Friends list with planets had a higher level of engagement, spending an average of 20% more time on the app compared to the other group. Additionally, users in the planet group reported higher satisfaction with the app’s user interface and found it easier to navigate their connections.

FAQs about Snapchat Planets

1. Can I customize the appearance of Snapchat planets?

No, the appearance of Snapchat planets is determined by the algorithm and cannot be customized by users. However, Snapchat periodically updates the visual design of the planets to enhance the user experience.

2. Can I remove someone from my Best Friends list?

Yes, you can remove someone from your Best Friends list by reducing your interactions with them. However, keep in mind that this may also affect your ranking and the appearance of your Snapchat planets.

3. Can I see other people’s Best Friends lists?

No, the Best Friends list is private and visible only to the user. Snapchat prioritizes user privacy and does not allow others to view someone else’s Best Friends list.

4. Do Snapchat planets have any impact on privacy?

No, Snapchat planets do not compromise user privacy. The planets are a visual representation of your Best Friends list, but the specific interactions or content exchanged with each user remain private.

5. Can I control the order of my Best Friends list?

No, the order of your Best Friends list is determined by the Snapchat algorithm and cannot be manually adjusted. The algorithm takes into account various factors to ensure the list reflects your most relevant connections.


The Best Friends list on Snapchat is a valuable feature that helps users keep track of their closest connections on the platform. The introduction of Snapchat planets adds a visually engaging element to the Best Friends list, allowing users to understand the dynamics of their connections at a glance. Snapchat planets symbolize different levels of friendship and provide a unique way to navigate the social circle on Snapchat. While the appearance of the planets is determined by the algorithm, they have been proven to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. So, next time you open Snapchat and see your Best Friends list, take a moment to explore the fascinating world of Snapchat planets.


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Anika Malhotra
Anika Malhotra
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